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Direction of Innovation and Technology Transfer


  • Desing strategies that promote intellectual property and technology transfer of research products developed by UNALM.
  • Articulate with various public and private, national and international agencies to form strategic alliances, promote networking and cooperation to strengthen the UNALM ecosystem in intellectual property, technology transfer and innovation.
  • Support the university community in obtaining the registration of intellectual property rights derived from R+D+i.
  • Promote the process of maturity and scaling of technologies developed by UNALM.
  • Promote the search for strategic allies for the commercialization of technologies developed by UNALM.
  • Transfer and license technologies developed by UNALM.
  • Advise and support the creation of science and technology-based enterprises in the university community (spin off).
  • Encourage the linkage of researchers with the various productive sectors for the development or optimization of products, processes or services.
  • Promote entrepreneurship among UNALM students and graduates for the creation of startups.
  • Propose to the Vice Rectorate for Research the productive policy of goods and services related to the specialties, academic areas or research work of the University.
  • Promete the creation and devolopment of Goods and Services Production Centers that generate resources for that University.
  • Coordinate joint actions with teachers, in order to develop production centers of goods and services.
  • Promote the market transfer of R&D+i results generated at UNALM through the centres for the Production of Products or Services.


Director of Innovation and Technology Transfer

Directo 01 614-7123

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