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Innovation Unit


  • Promote a culture of technological innovation at UNALM, considering the role of the university as an agent of economic and social development, for the increase of innovation in the territory and the competitiveness of the productive sector.
  • To develop policies, strategies and standards that facilitate the development of technological innovation at UNALM.
  • Coordinate with the corresponding departments, the planning, implementation, evaluation and improvement of technological innovation actions at UNALM.
  • Manage the link between the university and the productive sector through tranfer mechanisms such as R+D+i technological projects and services.
  • Identify the needs of the productive sectors to propose technological solutions that allow the development of joint research.
  • To register the activities of linkage and technology transfer and technological innovation carried out with the productive sector and society.
  • Establish strategic alliances for the commercialization of technologies devoloped by UNALM.
  • Promote the linkage of the university community with society and the different productive sectors for the development or optimization of products, processes or services.
  • Establish links with different state, business, national and foreign academic institutions for the positioning of the UNALM in the national and international innovation ecosystem.
  • Advise and support for the creation of scientific and technological enterprises in the university community (Spin off).
  • Execute the productive policy og goods and services related to the university’s specialties, academic areas or research work.
  • Execute actions with teachers, in order to develop production centers for goods and services.
  • Promote the transfer to the market of R+D+i results generated at UNALM, through the production Centers of Goods and Servicies.

M. Sc. María Patricia Cajacuri Álvarez

Innovation Specialist


Ing. Victoria Vega

Innovation Assistant

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